شنبه 8 فوریه 2025
شناسه مطلب: 8939
زمان انتشار: 22 مارس 2018
"Eid" means to return to one's true self and origin

"Eid" means to return to one's true self and origin

The blissful Eid of Nowruz is a blessed and auspicious eid.

Acknowledging the beautiful features of this Eid, Islam has also accepted, confirmed and invited the masses to celebrate this Eid.

One of the reasons for this is because, before this Eid, some tasks such as cleaning up the house and family's belongings are carried out.

What dominates this Eid is the spirit of reconciliation, abandoning grudges, connecting with one another, Silat al-rahim (associating and meeting with relatives and helping them), hospitality, and becoming new;

This is what makes Satan suffer the most during this time.

Apart from some superstitions like the traditional firework at the last Wednesday of the year (Chaharshanbe Suri), Nowruz has many benefits.

Nowruz is a lovable celebration and it is not just a national celebration for us, but a religious and spiritual one as well, since the infallible have also stressed on celebrating this occasion.

Also the content of Nowruz (Visiting and helping the relatives, strengthening the friendships, traveling, letting go of the grudges ... ) is something that complies with wisdom, religion and human nature, and all of these are in fact worshiping God.

Some prayers are obligatory and some are recommended. Traveling is a recommended prayer and cleaning up is an obligatory prayer. and the fact that these good deeds happen during Nowruz, makes it so valuable.

The infallibles have said:

لیس العید لمن لبس الجدید انما العید لمن امن الوعید

"There is no celebration/Eid for a person who wears new clothes. Surly, the celebration/ Eid is for a person who is safe from punishment."

If someone could keep himself from committing sins, this is a cause of celebration (Eid).

Imam Ali (as) said:

کُلُّ یَومٍ لا یُعصَی اللَّهُ فیهِ فَهُوَ عِیدٌ

"Every day in which God is not disobeyed is Eid."


Spring doesn't just bring physical growth, it also prepares the person for having spiritual growth as well. It also brings with itself newness, healing the damaged relationships, blights, guilts and every trauma of the past that the person has sustained. and for that reason we recite:

یا مقلّب القلوب و الابصار

O You who turn the hearts and eyes.

یا مدبر اللیل و النهار

O You who manage the day and night

یا محوّل الحول و الاحوال

O You who transform the conditions

حوّل حالنا الى احسن الحال

Transform our condition to the best condition

It is recommended to recite this Dua 365 times at the start of the new year, in order to be in the best condition all year round.

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