شنبه 8 فوریه 2025
شناسه مطلب: 7445
زمان انتشار: 7 سپتامبر 2017
Secret of Ghadir

Secret of Ghadir

The greatest Eid is the celebration of humanity, which is manifested in Ghadir Khumm. So, celebrate it joyfully, make friendships, exhibit affection, display kindness, remove grudges and rejoice as much as you can.  

Why Eid al-Ghadir is the greatest celebration for Shi’a Muslims?

What is the secret of the event of Ghadir?  

Ghadir Khumm is the name of the place where the noble prophet (s) announced Ali (a) as his caliph in 10 AH, following the command of God, the Glorious and the Exalted. Hence it was called "Hajj al-Wida'" (“the farewell pilgrimage”).  

God’s order was revealed to the noble prophet in the following verse, “O Apostle! Communicate that which has been sent down to you from your Lord, and if you do not, you will not have communicated His message" It means that the 23 years of his efforts would be lost (if he did not deliver what he (a) was told to announce to people)  

And Allah revealed the next verse to the prophet saying "today (Ghadir) is the day I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed My blessing upon you, and I have approved Islam as your religion" which means that God would not accept one’s religion without accepting the Wilaya (guardianship) of Ali (a). Now the question is why religion would not be perfect without the Wilaya of Ali (a) and why God would not be pleased with it?  

Anyone who knows his self, will understand that to achieve perfection, they need a guide and follow a leader. Ali (a) and the Prophet (a) are like one soul in two bodies.  

The same person we need as the prophet (a) is whom we need to continue the way and lead us, so that he (a) can stop us from wastage and profligacy in all our affairs; so that, by following him we can reach true humanity, just like a seed that grows to a ripe fruit.  

Therefore, the reason behind celebration of Ghadir is perfection of religion and completion of blessings through continuation of prophethood in the form of Imamate, so that mankind can reach perfection through this leadership.

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