جمعه 7 فوریه 2025
شناسه مطلب: 7416
زمان انتشار: 29 اوت 2017
The world of creation is the mathematical and precise world(2)

Muhammad Shojaee

The world of creation is the mathematical and precise world(2)

Previously it was assumed that Protons and Notrons are the fundamental particles and they are not divisible.

but after some time they came to know that even neutrons and proton are composed of smaller particles called quarks.

certainly in the future humans will increase their knowledge about this and discover more basic subatomic particles.

All these show that this universe is mathematical and precise.

Even a hair has mathematical structure.

In holy Quran we read: "Certainly, Allah has ordained a measure [and extent] for everything. 65:3" and "Indeed We have created everything in a measure. 54:49" both verses refer to mathematics of creation, be it material or spiritual.

One such measure is related to the physical world, which is also called Alam-i-Nasut (Realm of Physical bodies) and Alam-i-Molk (لِلَّهِ مُلْكُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَا فِیهِنَّ _ 5:120). Its structure and creation is one hundred percent mathematical.

Alam-i-Nasut is created from its upper realm _ Alam-e-Malakut (Realm of Intellect) _ which itself is created from the realm before it that is Alam-i-Jabrut (Realm of Power) through pure mathematical relations.
Hence there is nothing non-mathematical in the world.

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