جمعه 7 فوریه 2025
شناسه مطلب: 7417
زمان انتشار: 29 اوت 2017
The world of creation is  the mathematical and precise world(1)

Muhammad Shojaee

The world of creation is the mathematical and precise world(1)

The Almighty and Blessed God is the indefinite and ultimate existence whose manifestations to His creatures are all precisely measured and proportioned.

The order of Divine Descent starts from Hahoot (Realm of He-ness. The level of HaHoot refers to HaHooiyat (The Unknowable and Incomparable world). It is an Arabic term which pertains to the Divine's Essence prior to manifestation. ) to Lahoot ( realm of absolute unity) then to Malakoot ( angelic realm) and ends by Nasoote (the material world). The manifestation (of God) in all four worlds is in measure and size.

It means that every stage of the realms of creation is created based on mathematical measurements.

everything in these realms has mathematical structure. Even a small seed is not excluded from this principle.


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